Friday, January 17, 2014

Paranormal Case Files: Man in a Suit

So, guys, I'm not kidding about this: I'm getting stalked. By Slenderman. Before you say anything, let me say, this is not fake. At all. I know most people won't believe me, but holy crap, I'm getting stalked.

It all started with the strange light. I now believe that was Masky, one of Slenderman's Proxies. I posted the video on YouTube and this website. Watch it if you don't believe me. After seeing that, I started seeing him in my videos. My camera would get all distorted. I started running towards my house after a short January jog after I heard extra running footsteps. I turned around and nobody was there. I only ran faster. I'm afraid I'm going mental. I have these nightmares about him killing everybody, but it hasn't happened yet. I'm scared.... really.... scared....

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