Friday, January 17, 2014

Paranormal Case Files: Man in a Suit

So, guys, I'm not kidding about this: I'm getting stalked. By Slenderman. Before you say anything, let me say, this is not fake. At all. I know most people won't believe me, but holy crap, I'm getting stalked.

It all started with the strange light. I now believe that was Masky, one of Slenderman's Proxies. I posted the video on YouTube and this website. Watch it if you don't believe me. After seeing that, I started seeing him in my videos. My camera would get all distorted. I started running towards my house after a short January jog after I heard extra running footsteps. I turned around and nobody was there. I only ran faster. I'm afraid I'm going mental. I have these nightmares about him killing everybody, but it hasn't happened yet. I'm scared.... really.... scared....

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Eyeless Jack

Hey guys. This will be the first post to actually include the creepypasta itself in the post. This is a rather famous creepypasta that the poster swears is true. Anyway, here it is, straight from The Creepypasta Wiki:


Hello, my name is Mitch. I'm here to tell you guys about an experience I had. I don't know if it was paranormal or whatever stupid words people use to describe supernatural phenomena, but after that ''thing'' visited me, I believe in that paranormal trash, now.

A week after I moved in with my brother, Edwin, after my house was foreclosed, I finished unpacking. Edwin liked the idea of me moving in, since we had not seen each other after 10 years, so I was excited, too. I soon fell asleep after I moved in. After that 1 week, I heard rustling noises coming from outside at about one in the morning. I thought it was a raccoon, so I ignored and tried to fall asleep. The next morning, I told Edwin about it, and he agreed.

The next night, however, I thought I heard my window opening and a loud thump, as if something entered my room. I darted up and looked around my room, but I saw nothing. The next morning, Edwin dropped his coffee cup when he saw me. He held up a nearby mirror and I saw myself. I had a large gash in my left cheek.

After I was rushed to the hospital, my doctor told me that I must have been sleepwalking, but then he showed me something that made my blood turn cold. He lifted up my shirt to reveal a sewn up incision where my kidneys were. I started in his eyes, my eyes widening. "You somehow lost your left kidney last night. We don't know how, though. Sorry, Mitch." my doctor told me.

The next night was my breaking point. Around midnight, I woke up to see a truly horrifying sight. I was staring face to face with a creature with a black hoodie and dark blue mask with no nose or mouth staring down at me. The thing that scared me the most was that it had no eyes. Just empty, black sockets. The creature also had some black substance dripping from it's sockets. I grabbed the camera nearby on a mantel and took a picture. After the picture took, the creature lunged at me and tried to claw open my chest to get to my lungs. I stopped it by kicking it in the face. As I ran out of my room, I grabbed my wallet. I would need the money. I ran out of my brother's house into the night. I eventually ended up in the woods near Edwin's house and tripped on a rock.

I fell unconscious and woke up in the hospital. My doctor entered the room. The same one who treated me before. "I have good news and bad news, Mitch." my doctor started. "The good news is that you had minor injuries, and your parents are going to pick you up." I sighed with relief. "The bad news is that your brother has been killed by some... ''thing''. Sorry."

My parents took me back to Edwin's house to collect my remaining belongings, which I did. Upon entering my room, I was scared, but remained calm. I grabbed my camera then stopped dead in my tracks. In the hallway leading to my room, I saw Edwin's body and something small lying next to it. I picked up the small thing and entered my parent's car, not mentioning Edwin's corpse. I looked at the thing I had picked up and nearly vomited. I was holding my stolen half-eaten kidney, with some black substance on it.

So, there you have it: Eyeless Jack. It's a pretty short pasta, but it's creepy. Here's the original image:

Thanks for reading guys! I haven't quite decided what I'm going to do next, so for now, I'm just going to end it here.


Monday, January 13, 2014

Paranormal Case Files YouTube Series

Hey guys. Sean here, saying we're starting a new ParaCF YouTube series! We'll be posting scary videos and pics (which will appear here of course) weekly. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more! 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Slenderman

Hey guys. Time for another Paranormal Case Files: Slenderman.
Just some facts about Slenderman:

1. He doesn't have a face, according to photos and videos.
2. He stalks little children, and the children are never seen again. Creepy.
3. If you want to see videos of him and his "Proxies", watch the Marble Hornets videos on YouTube.
4. According to popular fan-fiction, whenever he comes in contact with a video camera that's recording, the screen distorts.
5. When he comes in contact with humans, they suddenly get nauseous and feel inclined to vomit, causing them to lose their concentration, so he can kill them.
6. He is inhumanly tall and skinny, and has several tentacle-like appendages flowing from his back.

So, after those facts, here's the original backstory (or poem):

They say that monsters come only at night,
That light will drive them away.
But not all creatures follow this rule,
Safety not certain during the day.
He hides on the fringes of your vision,
Brief glimpses of the distorted.
He slithers and writhes behind your eyes,
Reaching for you, limbs contorted.
Before you know it your children are taken,
And now it's come down to you.
His breath is oppressive, his presence acidic,
He feels pity is undue.
Suddenly, trapped in his grasp so tight,
You struggle to break yourself free.
He laughs and he gurgles and he screeches with glee,
He turns your head for you to see.
Your children are crying though their eyes are removed,
They collapse, still and silent.
His arms and legs bend pulling you closer,
The man's eyes dark and violent.
He strikes and he cuts, your skin flays open,
Your soul too weak to resist.
This should not have happened, if only you had listened,
Never go into his forest.
So yeah. That's basically Slenderman. Don't go into the forest.



Thanks guys! Here's a teaser pic for the next post:

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Contact Me

Hey guys. Just a quick post here. You can contact me through the email Just thought I'd get that out there. Contact me with your stories about the paranormal. If I like them, I'll post them on this site. If you don't want to include your real name, email me a username I can post here. :)


Okay guys. Here it is. The terrifying Smile.jpg. Otherwise known as Smile Dog or I took a DRAWING and a real photo, since the real one is just too disturbing. Here you go. The first is the regular dog version of it. Supposed to be what he looks like before he transforms into the second one, which is the truly demonic looking one.
Scary, huh? Notice the bloody hand in the lower left-hand corner.

Anyway, apparently, if you stare at this for too long, he starts appearing in your dreams. You'll go insane, and finally commit suicide. Read the Smile Dog creepypasta at

Read the origin pasta at


Next Post Teaser Pic:

Paranormal Case Files

Welcome to Paranormal Case Files (or ParaCF for short)! ParaCF is a website devoted to finding out all about the paranormal.
I'm Sean Gaffney, A.K.A. ColorfulCobra. I'm addicted to the paranormal. It began with a scary story called BEN Drowned. I then found out about Slenderman, Smile.jpg, Eyeless Jack, Jeff the Killer, you name it. I started getting addicted, and then I founded Paranormal Case Files. The first story (which will be out later) is going to be about Smile.jpg (or Smile Dog). Smile.jpg is a terrifying and said-to-be satanic JPEG image. Beware, the image is disturbing and should only be viewed by mature viewers. It can cause nightmares and visions. Remember, don't look behind you...